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The Administration department consists of the City Administrator/Finance Director, City Secretary and the Accounts Payable Clerk.

The City Administrator/Finance Director is Jennifer Calvert. She has 20 years experience in state and local government and holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in Public Administration. She has served as a consultant to small cities assisting with budgeting and financial operations for the past five years. The City Administrator/Finance Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City and all financial operations.

The City Secretary is Amber Smith. Amber has been with the City of Blue Mound since 2018, starting in the public works department. The City Secretary is the official records manager of the City and is responsible for creating and posting the agenda and minutes for all public meetings. The City Secretary also processes all open records requests.

The Accounts Payable Clerk is Ana Greer. Ana is responsible for processing new vendors, invoices, and provides customer service in utility billing and municipal court. To be added as a new vendor, please provide a W9 via email to [email protected].